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Bank Mergers and Acquisitions

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A highly focused compilation of articles on Bank Mergers and Acquisitions. Articles may come from The RMA Journal, The Commercial Lending Newsletter, or RMA’s publication, Credit Considerations.

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Merging Credit Cultures, McKinley, John E. The RMA Journal: The Journal of Enterprise Risk Management, v97n6, 50-55, 6 pages Mar 2015 Reprint from Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management, 48-56, 9 pages, Mar 1997.

Acquisition Financing Buyer Beware? No, Lender Beware!, Davis, Joe, The RMA Journal, v96n5, 32-36, 5 pages Feb 2014.

Acquisitions of Failed Banks: Present Risk and Opportunity, Weinstock, Peter G. The RMA Journal, v93n4, 14-21, 8 pages Dec 2010 - Jan 2011.

Effective Management of Merger Integration Risk, Ryan, Jim, The RMA Journal, v92n1, 70-75, 6 pages Sep 2009.

Shopping for a Community Bank in 2007, MacGregor, James T. The RMA Journal, v89n7, 24-25, 2 pages, Apr 2007. 

10 Points to Consider in Reducing Consolidation Risks, Sherman, David A. The RMA Journal, v84n3, 60-62, 3 pages Nov  2001. 

Building Noninterest Income through M&A Alliances, Nunes, John, The RMA Journal, v84n2, 56-57, 2 pages Oct  2001. 

How Desirable Are You? What Analysts Look for When Valuing a Community Bank, Hitt, Richard D. Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management, v82n7, 36-40, 7 pages Apr 2000.