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Construction Contractors

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A highly focused compilation of articles on lending to Construction Contractors. Articles may come from The RMA Journal, The Commercial Lending Newsletter, or RMA’s publication, Credit Considerations.

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Table of Contents

    Minimizing Contractor Defaults: SBA Surety Bond Guarantee Can Open Door to Bonding, Murray, Tamara E. The RMA Journal: The Journal of Enterprise Risk Management, v97n4, 40-43, 4 pages Dec 2014.



    Prospecting for Contractor Prospects: Mine Your Own Business, Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v96n1, 18-22, 5 pages Sep 2013.



    Contractor Small Talk: A Little Guidance on Underbillings and Overbillings, Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v94n7, 40-46, 7 pages Apr 2012.



    Operating Leverage and Break-even Analysis for Contractors, Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v92n10, 60-65, 6 pages Jul/Aug 2010.



    How a Surety Team Prevents and Remedies Contractor Default, Ramsey, Marc, The RMA Journal, v92n3, 50-52, 3 pages Nov 2009.



    Surety Band Producers and Underwriters Play Key Role in Construction, Ramsey, Marc, The RMA Journal, v91n8, 42-45, 4 pages May 2009.



    Why Do Contractors Really Go Under?, Strischek, Dev ; McLaughlin, Kevin, The RMA Journal, v91n2, 68-73,  6 pages Oct  2008.



    Red Flags & Warning Signs of Contractor Failure, Strischek, Dev

    McIntyre, Marla, The RMA Journal, v90n6, 72- 77, 6 pages Mar 2008.



    The Big Picture on Contractor Accounting & Construction Accountants: The Art and the Artists, Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v90n5, 70-75, 6 pages Feb 2008.



    Enhancing the Analysis of Contractors' Financial Statements by Focusing on Supplemental Disclosures, Prescott, Gregory L. The RMA Journal, v90n2, 20-25, 6 pages Oct 2007.



    Putting a Name to Construction Risk: Where and What, Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v89n3, 54-56, 3 pages Nov 2006.



    Our Letters Are Not Their Bonds, McIntyre, Marla ; Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v88n6, 76-79, 4 pages Feb  2006.



    Evaluating Contractor Financial Statements: Recognizing the Guy in the Black Hat, Meis, Gregory J. The RMA Journal, v87n10, 76-80,  5 pages Jul/Aug 2005.



    Surety Bonding in Today's Construction Market: Changing Times for Contractors, Bankers, and Sureties, McIntyre, Marla & Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v87n8, 46-52, 7 pages May 2005.



    Trends in Contractor Ratios: Laying a Foundation for Financial Analysis, Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v87n6, 48-62, 15 pages Mar 2005.



    Underwriting and Monitoring Considerations in Lending to Contractors Today, Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v86n10, 30-35, 6 pages Jun 2004.



    A Written Policy for Lending to Contractors, Strischek, Dev, Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management, v81n10, 32-42, 11 pages Jun 1999.



    Analyzing Demolition Contractors, Lowe, Jennifer, Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management, v81n6, 53-58, 6 pages Feb 1999.



    Red Warning Flags of Contractor Failure, Strischek, Dev, Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management, v80n11, 40-47, 8 pages July 1998.