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Market Risk - Asset/Liability Management

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A highly focused compilation of articles on Asset/Liability Management. Articles may come from The RMA Journal, The Commercial Lending Newsletter, or RMA’s publication, Credit Considerations.

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Table of Contents

    New RMA Survey Offers insight into ALM Practices at Community Banks, Clarke, Jim ; Garritt, Fran, The RMA Journal, v93n8,  26-29, 4 pages May 2011.



    RMA s Model Validation and Governance Survey: Points to Best-Practices Benchmark, The RMA Journal, v92n3, 60-65, 6 pages Nov 2009.



    Asset/Liability Management Is in Uncharted Waters, Clarke, Jim, The RMA Journal, v91n10, 70-74, 5 pages Jul/Aug 2009.



    Managing Market Risk in Uncertain Times, Garritt, Fran ; Beans, Kathleen M. The RMA Journal, v91n6, 12-18, 7 pages Mar 2009.



    Community Banks... Prudence or Luck? Examining the Subprime Crisis, Clarke, James, The RMA Journal, v90n6, 50-53, 4 pages Mar 2008.



    How is Asset and Liability Management Changing? Insights from the McKinsey Survey, Buehler, Kevin ; Santomero, Anthony, The RMA Journal, v90n6, 44-49, 6 pages Mar 2008.


    Developing a Strong ALM Process at Your Bank: The Responsibility Falls on the ALCO, Clarke, James J. The RMA Journal, v90n3, 60-63, 4 pages Nov 2007.



    Decision Rules from Managing the Balance Sheet Through the Interest Rate Cycle Part 2, Clarke, James J. The RMA Journal, v89n10, 58-61, 4 pages, Jul/Aug 2007.



    Managing the Balance Sheet Over the Economic Cycle: Recent History Provides Important Lessons for Your Bank's ALCO, Clarke, James J. The RMA Journal, v89n8, 70-73, 4 pages, May 2007.



    High-Octane ALM: The Lending Division's Role, Brown, Jim, The RMA Journal, v87n8, 32-36, 5 pages May 2005.



    Market Risk: The Role of ALCO in Risk/Reward, Clarke, Jim, The RMA Journal, v86n5, 56-59, 4 pages Feb 2004.



    Market Risk, Part IV: Modeling Interest Rate Risk: The Devil Is in the Assumptions, Clarke, Jim, The RMA Journal, v86n3, 70-73, 4 pages Nov 2003.



    Market Risk, Part III: The Current State of Interest Rate Risk Management, Clarke, Jim, The RMA Journal, v86n2, 44-46, 3 pages 0ct  2003.



    Market Risk, Part II: To Know Market Risk Is to Know Duration and Convexity, Clarke, Jim, The RMA Journal, v86n1, 58-62, 5 pages Sept  2003.



    Market Risk, Part I: Managing the Bank's Balance Sheet in a Historically Low Rate Environment, Clarke, Jim, The RMA Journal, v85n10, 68-70,  3 pages Jul/Aug 2003.



    Asset-Liability Management : A Primer, Gavin, John J. The RMA Journal, v83n7, 60-63, 4 pages Apr 2001.