Portfolio Concentrations and Limits
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A highly focused compilation of articles on Portfolio and Concentration Limits. Articles may come from The RMA Journal, The Commercial Lending Newsletter, or RMA’s publication, Credit Considerations.

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Table of Contents
Portfolio Theory and Bank Lending: Avoiding Concentrations of Credit Risk through Strategic Diversification, Bennett, Paul, The RMA Journal, v96n10, 62-65, 4 pages Jul 2014 Reprint from Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management, 64-67, 4 pages Jul/Aug 1999.
Are You Sure Your Eggs Aren't in One Basket?, Heitmann, James, The RMA Journal, v95n10, 50-57, 8 pages Jul 2013.
Spilled Milk: Toontown Bank Ignores Policies and Procedures-and Pays for It, Phillips, Paul, The RMA Journal, v95n5, 66-70, 5 pages Feb 2013.
Managing Concentration Limits, Sterba, Catherine L. The RMA Journal, v95n1, 66-71, 6 pages Sep 2012.
Concentration Risk in a Loan Portfolio: Notes from a Conference Session, Buczynski, Rick, The RMA Journal, v93n7, 24-27, 4 pages Apr 2011.
Predicting Credit Portfolio Quality Myth or Reality?, Barrickman, John ; Corso, Christine, The RMA Journal, v92n9, 40-46, 7 pages Jun 2010.
Total Credit Exposure: It All Adds Up, Jaketic, Marge ; Strischek, Dev, The RMA Journal, v92n4, 42-46, 5 pages Dec/Jan 2009.
Lessons Learned from Looking Back, Morsman, Edgar M. Jr. The RMA Journal, v92n3, 20-24, 5 pages Nov 2009.
An Effective MIS Approach Is Key to Good Reporting and Analysis of CRE Concentrations, Hartzog, Jim, The RMA Journal, v91n6, 64-67, 4 pages Mar 2009.
Competitive Implications of Holistic Balance Sheet Management, Rowe, David, The RMA Journal, v90n10, 76-77, 2 pages Jul/Aug 2008.
Bank Concentration Risk Beyond the Limit?, York, Jonathan, The RMA Journal, v90n1, 52-57, 6 pages Sep 2007.
Adapting to CRE Concentration and Risk Management Guidelines, Bobo, Dick, The RMA Journal, v89n7, 82-88, 7 pages, Apr 2007.
Concentrating on Commercial Real Estate, Foster, Beverly, The RMA Journal, v89n7, 74-80, 7 pages, Apr 2007.
Retail Banks & Economic Capital Using a Credit Portfolio Model to Rate Securitizations: Part 3, Elghanayan, Shahram, The RMA Journal, v89n4, 93-97, 5 pages Dec 2006.
Active Credit Portfolio Management of Middle- Market Exposures: An Understanding of Capital Market Credit Products (Part 3), Dev, Ashish ; Kim, Yong, The RMA Journal, v89n2, 76-86, 11 pages Oct 2006.