Capital Management
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A highly focused compilation of articles on Capital Management. Articles may come from The RMA Journal, The Commercial Lending Newsletter, or RMA’s publication, Credit Considerations.

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Table of Contents
Evaluating Capital and Liquidity: A Study of Risk-Limits Practices, Krasowski, Stephen, The RMA Journal: The Journal of Enterprise Risk Management, v97n8, 28-30, 3 pages May 2015.
Capital Gains and Lowercase Losses, Cassis, John CRC, The RMA Journal, v96n10, 44-49, 6 pages Jul 2014.
Is Advanced Credit Risk Management Worth the Plunge?, Lang, William ; Nayda, William, The RMA Journal, v90n8, 35-41, 7 pages May 2008.
10 Steps to Take Now for Basel II and IA, Crowe, Kevin, The RMA Journal, v89n7, 92-96, 5 pages, Apr 2007.
Stressed LGDs in Capital Analysis, Wilhite, Gary, The RMA Journal, v89n2, 56-61, 6 pages Oct 2006.
Basel II and Capital Management, Martin, Pamela, The RMA Journal, v86n6, 62-63, 2 pages Mar 2004.
A Global Capital Management Framework for Regions and Localities, Rauleder, Rainer ; Hockey, Therese McCarthy, The RMA Journal, v86n6, 27-31, 5 pages Mar 2004.
On Economic Capital and Capital Management, Guill, Gene D. The RMA Journal, v86n6, 18-19, 2 pages Mar 2004.
Optimizing the Allocation of Capital, Smithson, Charles ; Hayt, Gregory, The RMA Journal, v83n10, 67-72, 6 pages Jul/Aug 2001.
Market Disclosure Will Create Greater Risk Discipline: But Creating Common Risk Definitions Remains a Hurdle, Beans, Kathleen M. The RMA Journal, v83n10, 56-58, 3 pages Jul/Aug 2001.