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Training and Insights to Ignite Your Career

Pick a course. Turbocharge your skills. Excel with RMA.



Gain unlimited access to our eLearning products!

With 70+ self-directed online learning modules delivering 130+ hours of credit risk content, you’ll have access to relevant, quality, self-directed training.

INDIVIDUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: 1-year license. Smaller institutions may be eligible for special pricing on 2+ licenses

INSTITUTION-WIDE SUBSCRIPTIONS: 2-year license. Maximum flexibility and value for everyone at your institution

New Risks Are Emerging Daily. Make Sure You’re Prepared

New to RMA Training?

The financial services industry is constantly growing and changing, and so are the risks it faces.

Based on deep industry knowledge from the banking experts who make up RMA’s membership, RMA’s courses give you the expertise you need to stay ahead.

View Course Catalog

Learn Regularly with RMA?

Log in to our new training portal, RMA Ignite (formerly known as RMAU), to:

  • Find new courses
  • Start training
  • Complete modules
  • Get support
  • And more
Visit Ignite Portal

Train On Your Terms

Self-Directed Courses

If you’re busy and want to learn flexibly, take a look at our digital, self-paced options.

Learn Independently

Instructor-Led Courses

If you prefer the camaraderie of the classroom, we offer courses delivered by a live instructor.

Learn with Others

Sharpen Your Knowledge. Keep Your Business Edge.

eMentor: In-Depth, On Demand Risk Intelligence

Alongside the right training, you also need practical tools and data to outsmart risk in your daily work. That's why eMentor, our risk intelligence platform, offers you:

  • Industry-based research derived from 1000+ industries and 250+ sector analyses
  • Hands-on knowledge – from best practices to eCases to call preparation questions
  • And periodic reviews which assess your customers' or prospects' specific business challenges
Get Practical Risk Tools

Risk Roundtable: The Best Way To Prepare Is To Share

Join our online forum where risk managers like yourself can share thoughts, insights and strategies on how to deal with tomorrow’s risks.

Don’t miss a unique opportunity to learn from the best and network with like-minded individuals.


ProSight Membership

RMA and BAI, two of the most trusted, non-lobbying financial services organizations, have come together to form ProSight Financial Association. Connect with deep risk management, regulatory compliance, fraud, retail, and commercial banking expertise, an engaged community of industry peers, and data-driven insights through ProSight Membership.

Become A Member