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RMA Roundtables

An exclusive platform to discuss vital risk topics.



Build your network and share insights to address challenges and seize opportunities

While RMA provides a framework for the agenda, participants select the topics that will be covered during the event. Roundtables are highly interactive small-group experiences presented in-person and virtually.  

RMA Roundtables are fully peer sourced. This includes:

  • Crowd-sourced meeting topics
  • A steering committee of attendees who sets event venue and agenda
  • Open enrollment events or personalized invitations (organizers’ choice)
  • 25 attendees or fewer – all speak and participate
  • Staff assistance with logistics and research

Make the case to attend! Just think about how your organization could easily benefit from your participation. We’ve drafted a letter to help you get approval.



Find a roundtable about a topic relevant to you

Market Risk

Operational & Enterprise Risk

Credit Risk



Market Risk Roundtables

Counterparty Risk Roundtable

For counterparty market risk officers from financial institutions with material trading, derivatives and securities-financing activities. Participants typically have responsibility to monitor and manage: Prevailing market conditions and the resulting counterparty and securities financing risk challenges, Emerging risk practices, e.g., climate risk, crypto currencies, market-utility/liquidity risk Regulatory change, Counterparty risk management framework enhancements, Talent acquisition, development and retention.


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Funding and Liquidity Risk Roundtable

For first- and second-line risk professionals responsible for funding and liquidity risk management. Topics covered include bank funding, asset-liability management, liquidity management, quantitative modeling, model-risk management and related regulatory compliance.


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Global Country Risk Management Virtual Roundtable

Primarily for country risk officers at financial institutions with multi-region activities. Participants typically have responsibility to monitor: Developing credit, market, liquidity and operational risk challenges, Emerging risk practices, e.g., dealing with climate risk and crypto currencies, Regulatory change, Industry practices in country risk management including risk analysis, review and approval plus risk aggregation and reporting.


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Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book Roundtable

For senior risk professionals at major institutions managing interest rate and asset/ liability risk. Discussion will highlight current and emerging challenges in the management of Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book, latest industry practice and regulatory developments.

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Market Risk Roundtable

For senior market risk officers from financial institutions with material trading, derivatives and securities-financing activities. Participants typically have responsibility to monitor and manage: securities-financing activities. Participants typically have responsibility to monitor and manage:

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Operational & Enterprise Risk Roundtables

Business Continuity Planning/Disaster Recovery Roundtable

Recent trends and events across the industry, including: cyber incidents, pandemic, third party reliance, technology failures, civil unrest, manmade and natural disasters, and increased regulatory scrutiny highlight the need for organizations to focus on business continuity management and operational resilience to mitigate potential adverse impacts of these events on their ability to operate and deliver products and services for their customers.

Because of the increasing importance of, and focus on, Business Continuity Management and Operational Resilience, we are planning to host an RMA Roundtable during Q1 2024 to discuss topics of interest (e.g., what system(s)/application(s) are you using for Business Continuity Management, Disaster Recovery, and Operational Resilience activities? In which line of defense does your Business Continuity Management and Operational Resilience function sit? How do you identify mission critical products and services? How do you identify, quantify, and analyze the impact(s) of business processes on the organization? What metrics are shared with Senior and Executive Management? What are current industry best practices?)


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Chief Compliance Officer Roundtable

Compliance risk continues to increase as banks navigate the current environment. New interpretations of existing guidelines, proposed regulatory changes, accelerated pace of product innovation, and changes in consumer preferences create a challenging environment for compliance teams. This roundtable—dedicated to Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) and their delegate(s)—offers a valuable opportunity to meet and discuss these challenges with your CCO peers and to identify best practices that you can leverage at your institution to enhance the value of your compliance programs.

For more information, please contact

Culture and Conduct Risk Roundtable

This is an invitation only meeting for credit officers, risk officers, and senior line executives from banks with assets greater than $10 billion and have the responsibility for their institution's agricultural or agribusiness loan portfolios. Topics discussed include: Fruits, vegetables, and nuts, dairy, cotton, livestock, climate, hedging practices, commodity markets, tariffs, supply chain, etc. All topics are submitted by the participants and represent the most current issues in Ag Lending faced by the institutions.

For more information, please contact 

ERM for Community Banks Roundtable

In the past, RMA run 3 ERM Roundtables: Large Banks ($70B+), Mid- Tier Banks ($30-70B), Community Banks (<$20B). Due to increased interest of ERM topics at the community bank level, we are reinstating the session for banks below $20B. The ERM Roundtable will cover broad risk governance practices, including risk culture, organization, roles and responsibilities, policies, and risk technology. Participants will share information about their programs and exchange ideas in a roundtable environment, to broaden their knowledge and acquire a firm understanding of the issues.


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ERM for Large Banks Roundtable

The ERM Roundtable will cover broad risk governance practices, including risk culture, organization, roles and responsibilities, policies, and risk technology. Participants will share information about their programs and exchange ideas in a roundtable environment, to broaden their knowledge and acquire a firm understanding of the issues.

For more information, please contact 

Fair Lending Analytics Forum

RMA's Fair Lending Analytics (FLA) Risk Roundtable is a peer learning event, providing FLA professionals and other second- and third-line professionals the opportunity to connect and discuss timely topics.

A unique feature of RMA’s peer-sharing event is that each agenda is a bit different, as the agenda is driven by attendee’s recommendations. Some topic suggestions already include:
• Discussing emerging FLA risks;
• Regulatory expectations (Updated UDAAP exam manual (by CFPB) and product priority list to conduct fair lending testing for non-lending/non-credit products)
• Roles and responsibilities of FLA programs;
• Improving the culture, attitude, and staff awareness of anti-discriminatory practices and behaviors;
• Discussing techniques and tactics of regression analysis;
• Compliant monitoring techniques and case management tools;
• Best practices in predictive analytics
• AI/ML models and disparate impact testing
• Disparate impact testing in general (is not limited to AI/ML models)

For more information, please contact 

Incentive Compensation Roundtable

This is an invitation only session. Incentive compensation programs are important tools for financial institutions. These arrangements serve several objectives, including attracting and retaining skilled labor, promoting better performance, and allowing an organization to better control costs while increasing profit.
If not designed properly, however, compensation arrangements can provide executives and employees with incentives to take imprudent risks that may not be consistent with the long-term health of the organization. Poorly designed incentive programs can inadvertently reward employees, contractors, and service providers for unethical behavior or other unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices. This roundtable offers a valuable opportunity to meet and discuss these challenges with your peers and identify best practices you can leverage at your institution to enhance the value of your incentive compensation/reward programs.

For more information, please contact 

Risk Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) Roundtable

Risk Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) is a process by which management and staff of all levels collectively identify and evaluate risks and associated controls. There isn’t a person in your organization that has not heard of RCSA, since each RCSA entity must identify the operational risks arising from its products and activities. Many financial institutions today consider RCSA to be purely a compliance exercise and do not see benefits that can be derived by successfully implementing an effective RCSA process. As a result, one of the top priorities for many banks is to re-focus their RCSA approaches. This Forum is designed to explore key issues and trends in RCSA.

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Technology Risk Roundtable

Technology is embedded in every business process today, and protecting sensitive information is required for all banks. During this RMA event, participants will share leading practices and tools that other institutions and risk managers can use to help effectively and efficiently assess technology risks and threats, and prepare for a technology risk event. This invitation only Roundtable offers a valuable opportunity to meet and discuss these challenges with your peers, and identify best practices that you can leverage at your institution to mitigate technology risks and improve risk frameworks.

For more information, please contact 

Third-Party Risk Management Roundtable for Community Banks (Virtual)

Third-party risk management continues to be an area of heightened supervisory focus. Increasing dependence on third-party relationships exposes financial institutions to new and serious risk and compliance issues, so minimizing exposure to financial, legal, regulatory, operational, and reputational risk is more critical than ever. This invitation-only session, provides an opportunity to share best practices, technologies, challenges, and solutions for vendors and non-vendors.

Agenda: The roundtable agenda is created by you and your peers based on the suggested topics collected during the registration process. Recent focus areas included:

• Current observations and trends

• Evolving practices and challenges

• Solutions for workload management

• Assessments and oversights of fourth and Nth parties

• Emerging risks, such as cyber, climate, cloud, and resiliency

• Recently released regulatory guidance (June 6, 2023)

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Third-Party Risk Management Roundtable

Third-party risk management continues to be an area of heightened supervisory focus. Increasing dependence on third-party relationships exposes financial institutions to new and serious risk and compliance issues, so minimizing exposure to financial, legal, regulatory, operational, and reputational risk is more critical than ever.

Financial institutions need to keep in mind that by hiring third parties, they do not outsource the risk. It is important to have proper due diligence and oversight processes in place as third parties are subject to the same cyber risks that banks face—and many others. Since 2014, RMA has hosted peer-sharing sessions to help SMEs find ways to mitigate risks associated with third-party risk management.

This invitation-only session, provides an opportunity to share best practices, technologies, challenges, and solutions for vendors and non-vendors.

We’re actively building the agenda with a steering group (peer banks) and registered participants. However, topics will likely include:

• Current observations and trends
• Evolving practices and challenges
• Solutions for workload management
• Assessments and oversights of fourth and Nth parties
• Emerging risks, such as cyber, climate, cloud, and resiliency
• Recently released regulatory guidance (June 6, 2023)

For more information, please contact 



Credit Risk Roundtables

Agriculture & Agribusiness Credit & Risk Officer Roundtable

This is an invitation only meeting for credit officers, risk officers, and senior line executives from banks with assets greater than $10 billion and have the responsibility for their institution's agricultural or agribusiness loan portfolios. Topics discussed include: Fruits, vegetables, and nuts, dairy, cotton, livestock, climate, hedging practices, commodity markets, tariffs, supply chain, etc. All topics are submitted by the participants and represent the most current issues in Ag Lending faced by the institutions.


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Allowance for Credit Loss Roundtable

This is an invitation only meeting for those individuals at large banks who have responsibility for calculating their institution’s Allowance for Credit Loss (ACL). This meeting is generally for large, super-regional and mid-tier banks with assets greater than $25 billion. In this peer sharing event, participants will discuss current credit issues and share best practices related to reserves. Past discussion topics include but are not limited to the following: reasonable & supportable periods; reversion periods; day one; triggers & thresholds; governance/structure and reporting. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Business Banking Credit Officers Roundtable

This is an invitation only meeting is for senior credit officers charged with business banking portfolio risk management and credit quality at their organizations whose asset size is generally over $10 Billion. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss current issues, share best practices and explore solutions to current industry challenges. Past discussion topics include: underwriting standards; approval authority & scoring; portfolio management and policy impacts & strategy. The round table agenda is determined based on the topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Business Banking Loan Center Managers Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for managers of small business loan centers, handling both judgmental and scored loans at banks with assets over $10 billion. During this peer sharing event, the leaders discuss current credit issues, share best practices and explore solutions to current industry challenges. Some past discussion topics include: approval rates & KPIs; portfolio management; policy impacts; and technology impacts. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Business Leaders Roundtable (Virtual)

This meeting is for senior and executive leaders with responsibility for the commercial banking business from financial institutions with assets greater than $30 billion. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss various topics including, but not limited to, competitive landscape/ players in the market, finding that next big deal, growth goals vs risk appetite and partnering with credit, talent management, relationship manager productivity and leveraging technology, and industry sector risk. The forum agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants. There will be a speaker to be determined.


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Canadian Senior Workout Round Table

This Canadian-based roundtable brings top workout bankers together to discuss the current challenges they are facing. During this peer-sharing event, participants will make strong peer connections, discuss key issues and exchange best practices. 

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Chief Appraisers Roundtable I

This invitation-only meeting is for chief appraisers primarily responsible for investment, income producing, non-owner occupied CRE in financial institutions with assets over $50 billion. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss various topics including, but not limited to, quality control, appraisal standards, processes and procedures, evaluations, validations, vendor and technology issues, bias in appraisals and staffing issues. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Chief Appraisers Roundtable II

This is an invitation-only meeting for chief appraisers primarily responsible for investment non-owner occupied CRE in financial institutions with assets between $10 billion and $50 billion. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss various topics including, but not limited to, QC processes and procedures, evaluations, validations, vendor and technology issues, bias in appraisals and regulatory issues. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Chief Credit Policy Officers Roundtable

This invitation-only meeting is for Chief Credit Policy Officers for banks with assets over $10 billion and govern over/write the banks commercial and consumer loan policies. In this peer sharing event, participants will discuss best practices and current challenges. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.

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Chief Risk Officer Roundtable for Foreign Banking Organizations

This is an invitation-only meeting for chief risk officers and senior risk officers for U.S. exposure of foreign based financial institutions. During this peer-sharing event, participants discuss current enterprise-wide issues, share best practices in credit and risk management, and explore solutions to current industry challenges. The participants select all topics.


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Collateral Management Virtual Roundtable

Collateral Management roundtable is for senior to executive level officers responsible for overseeing the department that manages all types of collateral securing commercial loans. Collateral includes appraisals and evaluations (commercial, consumer, equipment); enterprise valuations; field exams, environmental reporting, specialty collateral, etc.


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Collections Roundtable

This is an invitation only meeting for senior executives with responsibilities for consumer and retail loan default and collections across all product types (mortgage, HELOC, credit cards, vehicle / boat loans and installment loans). Participants may include first and second line executives. This roundtable will replace the Consumer Collections Dialogue Group.


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Commercial Credit Approvers Virtual Roundtable

Credit Approval Round Table is designed for senior level credit officers specifically responsible for credit approval, concurrence and adjudication to discuss challenges and best practices. Possible topics includes prioritization, client calls, core credit issues, growth and risk appetite, industry, economic, and management risk impact, how to consider evaluating the analytical choices of the banker or underwriter.


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Commercial Credit Review Roundtable I

This is an invitation-only meeting for heads of loan/credit risk review with predominant emphasis on commercial exposures. Participants are generally from financial institutions with assets greater than $50 billion. In this peer sharing event, participants discuss current loan/credit issues, share best practices and explore solutions to current industry challenges. Some of the past discussion topics include: risk rating portfolios; developing the loan review plan; risk ratings; shared national credits; continuous monitoring; predictive analytics and talent management & training. The round table agenda is determined based on the topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Commercial Credit Review Roundtable II

This is an invitation-only meeting for heads of loan/credit risk review with predominant emphasis on commercial exposures. Participants are generally from financial institutions with assets greater than $10 billion but under $50 billion. In this peer sharing event, participants discuss current loan/credit issues, share best practices and explore solutions to current industry challenges. Some of the past discussion topics include: risk rating portfolios; developing the loan review plan; risk ratings; shared national credits; continuous monitoring; predictive analytics and talent management & training. The round table agenda is determined based on the topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Commercial Lending Summit

Commercial Lending and Credit Summit brings together individuals involved in the commercial lending process to strengthen skills for better understanding of clients and effectively communicating with them to add value and grow the relationship, learn ways to achieve the right balance in selling skills and credit acumen, discover best practices and tools to improve team performance, identify ways to help your team focus on opportunities in your bank’s risk appetite and gain insights to effectively partner with credit officers.


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Commercial Loan Services Managers Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for heads of commercial loan services departments in banks whose asset size generally exceeds $10 Billion. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss various topics including, but not limited to, structure & operating models; systems & processes; technology impacts; and talent management & training. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Commercial Real Estate Credit Officers Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for senior credit officers responsible for credit decisioning for commercial real estate at financial institutions with assets greater than $10 billion. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss various topics including, but not limited to, CRE strategy, sector discussions, underwriting standards, appraisal issues, and talent management. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Commercial Real Estate Symposium

This is an invitation only meeting for The Chief Real Estate Lending Officer, Chief Credit Officer – Real Estate, and Chief of Capital Markets for Real Estate for primarily the largest banks over $50 billion in assets and those member institutions that engage in large CRE lending deals that are syndicated across several banking institutions. The spirit of this program is for each member institution to send all three of the loan team designated above to discuss current market and competitive issues; credit risk issues, ability to effectively syndicate the deal through the capital markets process. Other issues discussed are regulation, underwriting standards, non bank competition, REITS, Debt Funds and talent. All the participants provide topics that create the agenda.


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Commercial Risk Grading & Modelers Roundtable

This invitation-only meeting is for individuals for institutions with dedicated staff responsible for the design and management of PD and LGD commercial risk rating models. In the meeting these leaders will discuss current credit issues, and best practices in commercial risk grading frameworks and modeling. Some topics include but not limited to: PD and LDG model building, forecast scenarios, predictability, management for the various lines of business; impact of disrupters; regulation, CECL, use of models within the organization, validation, loan types from micro to largest, and climate risk.


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Commercial Underwriting and Portfolio Management Roundtable

This invitation-only meeting is for the team leads or senior level commercial portfolio managers and/or commercial underwriter that are a specific part of the first line of defense in the approval process and borrower maintenance of commercial loan borrowers. This is a new round table for banks with assets sizes above $30 billion or that have an organizational structure that has a team lead that manages the work flow of a group of commercial portfolio managers or underwriters. Some topics of interest to discuss include; workflow and processes, turn times, underwriting standards, policies, industry and sector, responsible growth, risk ratings, and regulation. All topics for agendas are created by and for the participants.


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Consumer Chief Risk and Chief Credit Officer Roundtable

This invitation only meeting is for the Chief Credit & Chief Risk Officers specifically responsible for oversight of credit quality for Consumer debt products such as auto, installment, credit card, mortgages, HELOC, and Small Business loans for the banks with assets greater $60 billion and have strong consumer exposures or those banks that have a dedicated credit risk officer that specifically handles the consumer/retail book of business. Topics includes: AI and ML, Underwriting Standard, Policies, Deferrals, Deferment, Collection practices, Regulation, Consumer Behavior, Industry sectors, supply chain, data analytics to name a few. The agendas are created and finalized by the participants.


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Consumer Credit Review Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting is for heads of loan/credit risk review for consumer and retail exposures within the banks with asset sizes of over $10 billion. At this peer sharing event, topics for discussion normally include but are not limited to: emerging issues; credit policy, risk appetite; loss mitigation/collections​; FICO scores; and risk ratings. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Corporate and Investment Banking Credit Officer Roundtable

This invitation-only meeting is for senior and executive credit officers from financial institutions with asset sizes over $60 billion that adjudicate the corporate and investment banking business for their institution. This is a specific area of the bank that manage clients with the largest, most complex organizational structures, and revenue generation in the billions. Join this meeting of your peers to share best practices across the emerging risks, technology, underwriting standards, regulatory issues, risk ratings, credits role in responsible growth, and talent management. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Credit Portfolio & Concentration Management Roundtable

This invitation-only meeting is for senior officers responsible for credit portfolio and concentration management for their institution. During this meeting leaders will discuss current credit issues and share best practices around; Limits, portfolio strategy, processes, frameworks, governance, industry, sectors, borrower concentration management to name a few. This meeting is intended for large, super-regional, regional, and mid tier banks with assets greater than $10 billion, who have a portfolio and concentration management division. All agendas are created by topics selected by the participants.


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Credit Stress Testing Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for senior officers who are responsible for their institution’s credit stress testing process. This meeting is generally for large, super-regional and mid-tier banks with assets greater than $25 billion. In this peer sharing event, participants will discuss current credit issues and share best practices in credit stress testing. Past discussion topics include but are not limited to the following: data and modeling; approaches for various portfolios; climate risk stress testing; risk identification and economic trends. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Environmental Risk Managers Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for environmental risk managers in financial institutions with assets greater than $10 billion. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss various topics including, but not limited to, policy and process updates, regulatory and audit issues, innovation and technology solutions, vendor management, ASTM issues, and talent management. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Healthcare Credit and Lending Roundtable

This invitation-only meeting is for senior credit officers with responsibility for their institution’s health care credit portfolios. In the meeting these leaders will discuss current industry and credit issues and share best practices in health care lending space. This meeting is intended for large, super-regional and mid-tier banks with assets in excess of $10 billion. Topic will include: Underwriting Standards, health care sectors, regulation both banking and healthcare, reimbursements, insurance, revenue cycles, industry consolidation, and responsible growth to name a few. All agendas for this meeting are created by the participants.


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International Banks US Credit Officers Roundtable

Chief Credit Officers, Senior credit officer for the US exposures of foreign based finical institutions. During this peer sharing event, the participants discuss current credit issues, share best practices in credit and risk management, and explore solutions to current industry challenges. Past discussion topics include: Underwriting standards; policy and processes; concentrations and portfolio management, risk appetite; Sector Risk; Regulatory Risk, CECL, Climate Risk, ESG, and talent management/succession. The agenda topics are determined by the participants.


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Large Bank Chief Risk Officer Roundtable

This invitation-only meeting supports those chief risk officers (CROs) whose bank assets exceed $175 billion. During this peer-sharing event, CROs will have the opportunity to discuss the enterprise-wide challenges they are managing for their organizations. The participants select all topics.


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Large Community Bank CCO and CRO Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for the chief credit officers and chief risk officers of community banks between $2 and $10 billion in assets. During this peer sharing event, the leaders discuss current credit issues, share best practices in credit and risk management, and explore solutions to current industry challenges. Past discussion topics include: underwriting standards; approval processes; tracking exceptions; portfolio management, articulating risk appetite; and talent management & training. The round table agenda is determined based on the topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Middle Market Credit Officers Roundtable

This is an invitation only meeting for credit officers responsible for the middle market size credits and specialty lending credits as defined by their institutions. This is for financial institutions with assets greater than $20 billion or institutions that do middle market lending. Agenda topics of discussion includes: Underwriting Standards, Regulation, Various special industry lending divisions and industry sectors, process and workflow, talent management and succession, CECL, LIBOR transition to name a few. Agendas are created by the participants.


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Mid-Tier Chief Credit Officers Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for the chief credit of the midsized banks between $10 and $50 billion in assets. During this peer sharing event, the leaders discuss current credit issues, share best practices in credit and risk management, and explore solutions to current industry challenges. Past discussion topics include: Underwriting standards; policy and processes; concentrations and portfolio management, risk appetite; Sector Risk; Regulatory Risk, CECL, Climate Risk, ESG, and talent management/succession. The agenda topics are determined by the participants.


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Mid-Tier Chief Risk Officer Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for the chief risk of the midsized banks between $10 and $50 billion in assets. During this peer sharing event, the leaders discuss current credit issues, share best practices in credit and risk management, and explore solutions to current industry challenges. Past discussion topics include: Underwriting standards; policy and processes; concentrations and portfolio management, risk appetite; Sector Risk; Regulatory Risk, CECL, Climate Risk, ESG, and talent management/succession. The agenda topics are determined by the participants.


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North American Chief Credit Officers Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for the chief credit of the regional to large multinational member institutions over $60 billion in total assets. During this peer sharing event, the participants discuss current credit issues, share best practices in credit and risk management, and explore solutions to current industry challenges. Past discussion topics include: Underwriting standards; policy and processes; concentrations and portfolio management, risk appetite; Sector Risk; Regulatory Risk, CECL, Climate Risk, ESG, and talent management/succession. The agenda topics are determined by the participants.


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North American Private Lending Roundtable

This invitation-only program is for senior lenders and senior credit /risk officers responsible for private client/wealth management exposures within the institutions with assets greater than $20 billion or have a portfolio that is specific to this sector. The meeting will have peer discussions on various topics that typically include securities based lending, other unique lending exposure that serve the affluent, underwriting standards, CRE, regulation, competitive non bank entities, unsecured and secured, and ESG. The agenda for this meeting is created by the participants.


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Northeast Credit Officers Roundtable

This roundtable is for banks with asset sizes greater than $3 billion. This invitation only round table, you will interact with other Senior or Regional Credit Officers that are responsible for credit decisioning for Commercial Real Estate; Commercial &Industrial and owner-occupied Commercial Real Estate transactions throughout the Northeastern US. This includes Chief Credit Officers and Chief Lending Officers for large community banks. Northeastern region includes DC, ME, NH, VT, NY, RI, DE, NJ, CT, MD, PA, MA.
*NOTE: The banks do not have to be headquartered in this region but need to have exposures within this region.


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Oil & Gas Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for senior credit and lending officers with responsibility for oil and gas credit portfolios with assets greater than $3 billion. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss various topics including, but not limited to, regulatory issues, underwriting standards, borrowing bases, economy's impact, social and climate risk. It is a critical part of the event the agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Regional Peer Exchange

In this invitation-only meeting, senior and regional credit officers from banks with assets greater than $2 billion discuss current credit issues, share best practices, and explore solutions to current industry challenges. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants. There will be breakout sessions based on regions within the US as well as based on loan portfolios (CRE vs C&I). This is a new roundtable that replaces the regional credit officers and commercial real estate roundtables.


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Residential Real Estate Chief Appraisers Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for chief appraisers responsible for residential real estate in financial institutions with assets greater than $10 billion. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss various topics including, but not limited to, appraisal reviews, evaluations, regulatory issues, and third party vendors. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Senior Workout Officers Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting, for senior/executive level managers with the oversight of the workout/ special asset function at financial institutions with total assets greater than $60 billion and portfolios in the US. This group governs over the institutions distressed, non performing, doubtful and loss identified loans. The topics selected by the participants and discussed are current to the date of the meeting and have included : Talent management/succession, COVID, TDR management, Risk Rating migration, processes, File Flow, Industry/Sectors; Regulations and Underwriting. All topics are selected by the participants.


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Small Business Administration Roundtable

This is an invitation only meeting for credit and risk officers responsible for the bank’s SBA program at their organizations whose assets size generally exceed $10 Billion. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss current issues, share best practices and explore solutions to current industry challenges. Past discussion topics include: various lending programs; approval authority; portfolio management; and talent management & training. The roundtable agenda is determined based on the topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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Southeastern Credit Officers Roundtable

This roundtable is for banks with asset sizes greater than $3 billion. This invitation only round table, you will interact with other Senior or Regional Credit Officers that are responsible for credit decisioning for Commercial Real Estate; Commercial &Industrial and owner-occupied Commercial Real Estate transactions throughout the Southeastern US. This includes Chief Credit Officers and Chief Lending Officers for large community banks. Northeastern region includes VA, WV, NC, TN, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, AR, TX, OK.
*NOTE: The banks do not have to be headquartered in this region but need to have exposures within this region.


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Super Regional Bank Chief Risk Officer Roundtable

This invitation-only meeting supports those chief risk officers (CROs) whose bank assets size range between $50 billion to $175 billion. During this peer-sharing event, CROs will be able to discuss the enterprise-wide challenges they are all managing for their organizations. The participants select all topics.


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Wealth Management Large Banks and FBO's Roundtable

Wealth Management Large Bank and Foreign Based Organizations is designed for those Chief Risk Officer or heads of the Wealth Management department. This peer group will discuss trusts, investment accounts, collateral, counterparty risk, contingencies, regulations, compliance, fund management, intercompany activities, etc.


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Western Commercial Real Estate Roundtable

Western Real Estate Roundtable which is generally for banks with assets greater than $3 billion. During this invitation only round table, you will interact with other senior and regional credit officers that are responsible for credit decisioning for commercial real estate credit (excluding owner occupied) in the Western U.S. This would also include Chief Credit Officers and Chief Lending Officers at large community banks. The Western region includes AK, WA, OR, ID, UT, CA, AZ, NM, MT, WY, CO, NV, HI, TX. *NOTE: Your institution does not have to be headquartered in this region but needs to have exposures within this region


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Workout Officers Roundtable

This is an invitation-only meeting for Workout/Special Asset officers who manage a book of distressed asset classes at their respective institutions including: small business, wholesale, commercial, middle market, large corporate, syndication for both CRE and C&I sides of their house. The roundtable is designed for those banks with assets above $10 billion and the target audience are any officers that lead a team or are responsible for managing the risks, recovery, regulatory side of assets that are generally risk rated Special Mention to Loss. During this peer sharing event, participants will discuss various topics including, but not limited to client interaction, legalities, documentation, restructures, syndications, deferments, foreclosures, general problem loan asset management including bankruptcies; turnaround management, regulation, risk ratings below special mention, disclosures for financially distressed borrowers (formerly TDRs); sector discussion that will impact portfolio management, staffing, training, and talent management resources. The round table agenda is determined based on topics of discussion chosen by the participants.


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